whereis osama?

bloodhound@uscentcom:$whereis osama osama: bloodhound@uscentcom:$locate osama bloodhound@uscentcom:$find /home/afganistan/tribal_areas -name osama bloodhound@uscentcom:$find /home/afganistan/cave -name osama bloodhound@uscentcom:$find /home/afganistan/mountains/ -name osama bloodhound@uscentcom:$find /home/pakistan/tribal_areas/ -name osama bloodhound@uscentcom:$find /home/pakistan/border_areas/ -name osama bloodhound@uscentcom:$find /home/pakistan/abbottabad/ -name osama /home/pakistan/abbottabad/luxury_mansion/osama bloodhound@uscentcom:$ls -al /home/pakistan/abbottabad/luxury_mansion/osama total 16 drwxr-xr-x 2 osama al-Qaeda 4096… Continue Reading


Support your local VMUG!

VMware sponsors local VMware User Groups worldwide.   I recently attended a meeting of the Santa Barbara VMware Users Group and had a great time!  The topic was VMware View, their flagship desktop virtualization solution.  VMware sent one of their Systems… Continue Reading