Manager Tools Effective Manager Conference – 28 May 2013, San Jose

I attended the Manager Tools Effective Manager Conference in San Jose on 28 May 2013.  This was a great introduction to Manager Tools concepts, like one on ones, feedback, and coaching.  If you are in a hurry to get up to speed on Manager Tools, and you don’t have time to listen to all twenty some Manager Tools “Basics” podcasts, then you should go to an EMC…

Manager Tools is a website and podcast focused on helping managers become more effective and focuses on the practical aspects of becoming a better manager.  The show, hosted by Michael Auzenne and Mark Horstman, was awarded People’s Choice Podcast from Podcast Awards in 2008, and won the Best Business Podcast award in three consecutive years 2006, 2007 and 2008 and again in 2012. The podcast, together with the sister podcast Career Tools is unique through its combination of a series of simple steps to follow for effective practice, in combination with a good background on how these recommendations lead to the best results.

The basics of Manager Tools is encapsulated in the twenty something “Basics” podcasts.  These podcasts cover the basic principles of the (four part !?) “Trinity” of one on ones, feedback, coaching, and delegation.  You could certainly listen to these podcasts and get up to speed, that’s how many people do it.  If you are in a hurry, or need a refresh, then you should consider going to one of the regularly scheduled “Effective Manager Conferences” (EMC).

Dani Martin from Manager Tools

At the May 2013 EMC in San Jose, Dani Martin was the presenter.    Dani did a great job, and succinctly stitched together all of the various pieces of the (four part) Trinity in a very professional manner.  My class had students with lots of questions, and in some cases they asked these questions in a challenging manner, and Dani fielded them like the pro she is.

One of the more complicated aspects of Manager Tools is the timeline of the phased roll out of the Trinity.  Listening to the podcast, there are numerous overlapping time frames, etc.  Dani summarized these timelines in one simple chart.

Trinity Rollout Timeline

The timeline is basically to:  Send out O3 email, talk about it in a staff meeting, then wait.  3 weeks later, start O3s.  15 weeks in, start feedback, positive only.  23 weeks in start giving both positive and negative feedback, with a 9:1 ratio, positive to negative.  At 31 weeks, start coaching.

If you are new to Manager Tools, or you need to brush up on how Manager Tools works, you should seriously consider going to an EMC.  I’m glad I went.





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